improving neighborhoods

for people planet and profit!

Center for Sustainable Neighborhoods​


The Center for Sustainable Neighborhoods supports policies and projects that hold the promise to make our neighborhoods and regions great places to live, work and play for generations to com. We focus especially on finding solutions to problems, projects we can support, policies that make a difference. Our goal is to enhance the triple bottom line of sustainability -- building environmental, social and economic capital in concert. 


The Center's director, Tim Frank, has more than 20 years of experience as a policy professional working on the entertwined issues of land use, transportation planning and economic development. He served for several years as the chair of the Sierra Club's Challenge to Sprawl Campaign, a project that sought to curb subsidies for sprawl while aggressively promoting healthy community development. During Tim's tenure, the Sierra Club found smart growth projects to support in all 50 states in all kinds of context, from rural to suburban to urban centers. He has also served as a consusltant to the NRDC, Nature Cponservancy, Planning and Conservation League and American Farmland Trust.

He served on the commmttee that developed LEED for Neighborhood Development, a smart growth oriented green building standard jointly crafted by the U.S. Green Building Coujncil, Congress for a New Urbanism and the Natural Resources Defense Council. 

In addition to his role as the director of the Center for Sustainable Neighborhoods, Tim also currently serves as the Chairman of the Board of Good Jobs First, as a member of the board of the Sierra Business Council, and as a member of the legislative committee of the Non Profit Housing Association of Northern California.